As important as it to feed ourselves with natural food, We must feed mother earth the same way.
Seed and Soil doesn’t support the usage of plastics of any kind.
We try to keep all our products eco-friendly and re-usable. Though plastic bottles are cheaper to use for our packaging all our products, we refrain from taking profit that may be harmful to our society.
To emphasis again, we want our future generation to understand the importance of what we dump as garbage. There are fresh green marshlands transformed into mountains of dump yards and landfills. Hence, we practice only the most natural way to pack our food products.
We use butter sheets and kraft paper boxes to pack the flour and other products
We use glass bottles to pack
honey and ghee
We use the tin to store our oils
About 25 years back, We didn’t have supermarkets and had only small retail shops to buy our groceries.
The things they used those days to pack our food products were simple and effective and more importantly eco-friendly. Papers were used to pack most of the items such as rice, flour, cereals, spices, and condiments.
Seed and Soil use products that are bio-degradable like thick sheets and boxes, at the same time, sturdier than the average paper to store your products safer for a longer time. The tins and bottles can be re-used how many ever years you want.